7 Deadly Fears I Have Faced - Part 3 - A Data Analyst Journal

Hello everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable Lunar New Year holiday. I hope this year brings you joy, prosperity, and good fortune. It has been too long since I have written here but I finally found some time to post a new blog update. Restrain yourself from having an Outburst, photo by Ahmad Dirini on Unsplash I am glad to have you for the second part of my career journal....

February 12, 2024 · 9 min · Brian Tran

7 Deadly Fears I Have Faced — Part 2 — A Data Analyst Journal

Leaving your fears behind, photo on Isha Foundation I am glad to have you for the second part of my career journal. #1: 7 Deadly Fears I Have Faced - Part 1 #2: 7 Deadly Fears I Have Faced - Part 2 <– You are here #3: 7 Deadly Fears I Have Faced - Part 3 They Don’t Know Sh*t About My Great Artwork - The Pride The Fear Of Becoming Arrogant Rather than being tormented by the Fear of Not Being Valued in my early career, I gradually learned the art of tempering the discomfort upon receiving criticism and grew indifferent to others’ opinions....

October 21, 2023 · 5 min · Brian Tran

Data Cleaning 101 in SQL - #4.2 A Practical Tutorial for Data Deduplication

I am glad to have you for the fourth part of my complete guide on data cleaning. #1: Tidying Messy Data #2: Dealing with Missing Data #3.1: A discussion on the Nature of Outliers #3.2: The Origin of Outliers & Detection Techniques #4.1: Where does Data Duplication come from? #4.2: A Practical Tutorial for Data Deduplication <– You are here Can you spot the impostor? - Picture by the author...

September 16, 2023 · 5 min · Brian Tran

7 Deadly Fears I Have Faced - Part 1 - A Data Analyst Journal

Photo by Patty Vanitas on flickr There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. — Proverbs 6:16-19 I am glad to have you for the first part of my career journal....

September 9, 2023 · 12 min · Brian Tran

Data Cleaning 101 in SQL - #1 Tidying Messy Data

I am glad to have you for the first part of my complete guide on data cleaning. #1: Tidying Messy Data <– You are here #2: Dealing with Missing Data #3.1: A discussion on the Nature of Outliers #3.2: The Origin of Outliers & Detection Techniques #4.1: Where does Data Duplication come from? #4.2: A Practical Tutorial for Data Deduplication Photo by Vadim Sherbakov on Unsplash Data cleaning has always been a nightmare that every single analyst has to walk through (like through fire and flames)....

July 16, 2023 · 15 min · Brian Tran

Data Cleaning 101 in SQL - #2 Dealing with Missing Data

I am glad to have you for the second part of my complete guide on data cleaning. #1: Tidying Messy Data #2: Dealing with Missing Data <– You are here #3.1: A discussion on the Nature of Outliers #3.2: The Origin of Outliers & Detection Techniques #4.1: Where does Data Duplication come from? #4.2: A Practical Tutorial for Data Deduplication When you are missing someone, time seems to move slower, and when I’m falling in love with someone, time seems to be moving faster....

July 16, 2023 · 10 min · Brian Tran

User Segmentation Using K-means in R

These days, the need of understanding paying users among companies, especially those who operate online solutions, has been arising noticeably. As a result, the business intelligence unit should provide a accurate and insightful segmentation analysis to business units as a required course of action. In this article, I would try to run you through a step-by-step instruction on how conduct a segmentation analysis by using K-means clustering. Figure 1: Photo by John Lockwood on Unsplash...

July 14, 2023 · 8 min · Brian Tran